Decontracting back massage
A decontracting massage that works by deeply stimulating those pain points (trigger points) that underlie the most common lower back and neck discomforts.

Back decontracting massage is a massage technique that focuses on relaxing and reducing muscle tension in the back area. This type of massage involves the use of pressure, kneading and brushing techniques aimed at loosening muscle contractures and stimulating blood and lymphatic circulation in the affected area. Decontracting back massage can be particularly useful for those suffering from back pain, muscle stress, and tension in the back area caused by poor posture, physical exertion, and emotional stress. Because of its relaxing and therapeutic effect, decontracting back massage can help improve the flexibility, mobility, and overall well-being of the back and the entire body.
Category: Massages
Duration: 30min
Price: 30.00€
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Relaxing Massage
Massaggio: Classic
Relaxing massage is suitable for those seeking a moment of well-being and tranquility in which to step away from daily stress and regain inner balance.
Durata: 40min
Lomi Lomi Massage (Hawaiian)
Massaggio: Holistic
Lomi Lomi massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage technique that uses fluid, rhythmic, and sweeping movements of the hands, elbows, and forearms to relax muscles and release tension. This type of massage also involves the use of scented oils and traditional Hawaiian music to create a relaxing and harmonious atmosphere.
Durata: 60min
Circulatory massage
Massaggio: Classic
Due to its beneficial action on blood and lymphatic circulation, circulatory massage can promote the overall well-being of the body and mind.
Durata: 40min